School Policies
ABS Admission Policy
Amman Baptist School (ABS) has been serving the local community since 1974. Since then, the school has pursued preparing one generation after the other of graduates who are believers in God, life-long learners and true leaders who strive towards serving their countries by creating a better, more peaceful world.
ABS Assessment Policy
Assessment at Amman Baptist School (ABS) promotes and contributes to the success of student learning. The primary aim of assessment is to reflect on the students’ learning process. Assessment procedures at our school are designed with equity in mind, and therefore varied in nature in order to cater for all students’ different learning styles and needs.
ABS Language Policy
Amman Baptist School (ABS) believes that language shapes learning by developing understanding, and by expressing our core values and heritage with special emphasis on our mother tongue; Arabic. This further contributes in sustaining personal growth, our cultural identity and the ability to learn other languages.
Academic Integrity Policy
Amman Baptist School (ABS) is committed to academic integrity and strives to ensure that students become principled learners who act with integrity, show respect for others, and take responsibility for their own actions. Therefore, it is important that each and every individual - teacher, student, and parent - understands the importance of being honest and authentic.
Inclusion Policy
Students are at the focus of education in our school, with their strengths, weaknesses and challenges. Our school believes that education is for all and refuses to transfer our student because of their learning difficulties.